Matias Busso
Presentations by topic
Policy Presentations
Skills for the labor market []
Evidence base policy-making []
Inequality in times of crisis [download]
Public Policy for Human Capital
Skills for the labor market [coming soon]
The role of reminders for health [coming soon]
Peer effects [download]
Tutoring for reading [download]
Parenting, information and learning [coming soon]
The cost of educational reform [download]
School dropout in LAC [download]
Skills mismatch in LAC [download]
Public Policy for Productivity:
Cost of Misallocation [coming soon]
Skills and Productivity [download]
Productivity in LAC [download]
Labor Markets and Urban:
Place based policies (empowerment zones) [download]
Competition and prices (experimental evidence) [download]
Local labor market adjustment to climate shocks [download]
Female labor supply (a literature review) [download]
Finite sample properties of treatment effect estimators [download]
Blog Posts (English)
When an Excess of Small Firms Hurts Productivity (Ideas Matter)
Latin America, the Caribbean and PISA: The Long Road Ahead (Ideas Matter)
When Information on Higher Education Narrows the Skills Gap (Ideas Matter)
Keeping Kids in School (Ideas Matter)
Take Obama’s Advice on Climate Change: Droughts Are Hurting Latin America (Ideas Matter)
Did You Get Your Shots? In Rural Communities in Guatemala a Simple Reminder Improved Health (Ideas Matter)
How to Keep Kids in School (Ideas Matter)
Blog Posts (Español)
Cuando el exceso de pequeñas empresas afecta la productividad (Ideas que cuentan)
América Latina, el Caribe y PISA: un largo camino por recorrer (Ideas que cuentan)
La información sobre educación superior puede reducir la brecha de habilidades (Ideas que cuentan)
Para que los niños sigan escolarizados (Ideas que cuentan)
Siga el consejo de Obama sobre cambio climático: las sequías perjudican a América Latina (Ideas que cuentan)
Cómo mantener a los jóvenes en la escuela (World Economic Forum)
Press Coverage
Los efectos de la crisis del COVID-19 en la desigualdad (Clarin, Argentina, 2020)
Confinamiento o Ingresos: Informalidad en la Pandemia (El Pais, España, 2020)
Inequality in the times of COVID-19 (New York Times, 2020)
Entrevista Suplemento Economia (La Nacion, Argentina, 2019)
Opportunity Zones (Brookings Institution, 2018)
Jobs for the Working Class (Brookings Institution, 2018)
How to Get Growth in the Places That Need It Most (Bloomberg, 2018)
Deserción Escolar (Bastion Digital)
Student Graduation in Latin America: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full? (Huffington Post)
Graduación escolar en América latina: el vaso, ¿medio lleno o medio vacío? (Infobae, Argentina)
Do Manufacturers Need Special Treatment? (New York Times)
Did French enterprise zones fail poor areas? It’s mainly about Jobs (VoxEU)