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Articles in Refereed Journals

1. "Assessing the Incidence and Efficiency of a Prominent Place Based Policy", with Jesse Gregory and Patrick Kline. American Economic Review, 2013

    [Paper] [Appendix] [Data/Code] [Policy Report] [Presentation] [Old version]

2. "Productivity and Resource Misallocation in Latin America" with Lucia Madrigal and Carmen Pagés. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2013.

    [Paper] [Working Paper] [Data/Code] [Presentation]

3. "New Evidence on the Finite Sample Properties of Propensity Score Reweighting and Matching Estimators", with John DiNardo and Justin McCrary. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2014.

    [Paper] [BDM2011] [BDM2009] [Data/Code] [Presentation]

4. "Enrollment, Graduation, and Dropout Rates in Latin America: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?", with Marina Bassi and Juan Sebastian Muñoz. Economia, 2015.

    [Paper] [Working Paper] [Appendix]  [Data/Code] [Presentation]

5. “Did You Get Your Shots? Experimental Evidence on the Role of Reminders", with Julian Cristia and Sarah Humpage.  Journal of Health Economics, 2016.

    [Paper] [Working Paper

6. “How Much Are We Willing to Contribute for Better Educational Outcomes? Evidence from a survey experiment", with Samuel Berlinski. Economic Inquiry, 2016

    [Paper] [Appendix] [Data/Code]

7. “Challenges in educational reform: An experiment on active learning in mathematics", with Samuel Berlinski. Economics Letters, 2017

    [Paper] [Working Paper] [Data/Code] [Presentation]

8. “The effects of financial aid and returns information in selective and less selective schools: Experimental evidence from Chile" , with Taryn Dinkelman, Claudia Martinez and, Dario Romero. Labour Economics, 2017

    [Paper] [Working Paper] [Data/Code]

9. “Improving Access to Preventive Maternal Health Care Using Reminders: Experimental Evidence from Guatemala", with Dario Romero and Dario Salcedo. Economics Letters,  2017


10. "The Causal Effect of Competition on Prices and Quality: Evidence from a Field Experiment", with Sebastian Galiani. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2019. 

    [Working Paper]

11. “Rural-Urban Migration at High Urbanization Levels” with Juan Pablo Chauvin and Nicolas Herrera. Regional Science and Urban EconomicsVolume 91, 2021.

    [Working Paper]

12. “Good Peers Have Asymmetric Gendered Effects on Female Educational Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Mexico” with Veronica Frisancho. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 189: 727-747, 2021.

    [Working Paper]

13. “Remedial Education: Evidence from a Sequence of Experiments in Colombiaa” with Horacio Alvarez Marinelli and Samuel Berlinski  [Paper] Journal of Human Resources, 2021.

14. “The Challenge of Protecting Informal Households during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Latin America” with Juanita Camacho, Julian Messina, and Guadalupe Montenegro. [Paper]. PLoS ONE, 16(11), 2021.

15. “On the Demand for Telemedicine: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic", with Maria P. Gonzalez and Carlos Scartascini. Health Economics, 31(7), 1491–1505

16. “Reducing parent-school information gaps and improving school outcomes: Evidence from high frequency text messaging in Chile”. with Samuel Berlinski, Taryn Dinkelman and Claudia Martinez.  [Paper]. Journal of Human Resources, 2022

17. “Short- and long-run labor market adjustment to import competition” with Juan Blyde, Kyunglin Park, and Dario Romero. Review of International Economics,  31(4), 1552–1569, 2023

18. "Helping Struggling Students and Benefiting All: Peer Effects in Primary Education", with Samuel Berlinski and Michele Giannola. Journal of Public EconomicsVol 224, 104925, August 2023

19. "Improving Early Literacy through Teacher Professional Development: Experimental Evidence from Colombia", with Horacio Alvarez, Samuel Berlinski, and Julian Martinez-Correa. Journal of Public Economics, vol 4, 10009, 2023

20. “Unbundling Returns to Skills: Evidence from Postsecondary Education in Colombia” with Sebastian Montaño and Juan Sebastian Muñoz​. Education Economics, forthcoming

21. "The Unintended Consequences of Merit-based Teacher Selection: Evidence from Large-scale Reform in Colombia", with Sebastian Montaño, Juan S. Muñoz-Morales, and Nolan Pope. Journal of Public Economicsforthcoming


1. "Ethnicity and MDGs in Latin America", with Martin Cicowiez and Leonardo Gasparini. United Nations. 2005.


2. "Disconnected: Skills, Education and Employment in Latin America" with Marina Bassi, Sergio Urzua and Jaime Vargas. Inter-American Development Bank. 2012.

    [Book] [Libro] [Livro] [Presentation]

3. “Learning Better: Public Policy for Skills Development”co-editor with Julian Cristia, Diana Hincapie, Julian Messina and Laura Ripani. Inter-American Development Bank. 2017

    [Book] [Libro] [Skills Bank Website] [Presentation] [Presentación]

4. “The Inequality Crisis: Latin America and the Caribbean at the Crossroads”co-editor with Julian Messina, 2020.

    [Book] [Libro] [Presentation] [Presentación]

5. "Rethinking Urban Migration: Policy Options for Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean", with Paul Carrillo and Juan Pablo Chuavin. 2023 [Book]

Book Chapters

1. "Job and Worker Dynamics: The Hidden Side of the Labor Market", with Alejandro Micco. In "Good Jobs Wanted" 2003.

     [Chapter] [Book] [Libro]

2. "Productivity from the Bottom Up: Firms and Resource Allocation in Latin America", with Lucia Madrigal and Carmen Pagés. In "The Age of Productivity", 2010.

    [Chapter] [Book] [Libro]


3. "Computers in Schools: Why Governments Should Do their Homework", with Samuel Berlinski, Julian Cristia, and Eugenio Severin. In "Development Connections: Unveiling the Impact of New Information Technologies", 2011.

    [Chapter] [Book] [Libro]

4. "Facts and Determinants of Female Labor Supply in Latin America”, with Dario Romero Fonseca. In “Bridging gender gaps? The rise and deceleration of female labor force participation in Latin America”, 2015.

    [Chapter] [Working Paper] [Book] [Website] [Presentation]

5. “Firm Productivity as an Engine of Saving”, with Andres Fernandez and Cesar Tamayo. In “Saving for Development: How Latin America and the Caribbean Can Save More and Better ”, 2016

    [Chapter] [Working Paper] [Book] [Libro] [Livro]

6. " A Primer on Trust: Measures and Determinants", with Samuel Berlinski, Philip Keefer, and Carlos Scartascini. In "Trust: The Key to Social Cohesion and Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean", 2021

7. "Women’s Wages in a Man’s World: Can Public Policy Close the Gap?", with David Kaplan and Antonella Rivera. In "DIA 2023", 2023.

Hibernating Papers

1. “Skills, Informality and the Size Distribution of Firms”, with Andy Neumeyer and Mariano Spector.

2. "Adapting to Climate Change: Long-Term Effects of Drought on Local Labor Markets", with Paulo Bastos and Sebastian Miller.  [Working Paper] [Presentation]

3. "(In)Formal and (Un)Productive: The Productivity Costs of Excessive Informality in Mexico" with Victoria Fazio and Santiago Levy. [Working Paper]

4. "The Effectiveness of Managerial Skills Training Programs: A Meta-Analytic Review", with Kyunglin Park and Nicolás Irazoque.

5. "Do Local Economic Development Programs Work? Evidence From the Federal Empowerment Zone Program", with Patrick Kline.

6. “Finite Sample Properties of Semiparametric Estimators of Average Treatment Effects”, with John DiNardo and Justin McCrary

7. “A Sequential Method of Moments Variance Estimator of Weighting Estimators of Average Treatment Effects

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